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Inspiring Peace Through Social Innovation

One Square Metre

at a Time

Home: Welcome

Who We Are

Square Metre for Peace serves as an inspirer and facilitator of a grassroots movement working together for positive peace locally, nationally and internationally.

We are determined to erase borders and build positive peace by transcending race, gender, religion and ideological affiliation to emphasize human values and global citizenship 

  • Inspired by women from six continents

  • Supported by volunteer advisors

  • United by a common vision

Home: Who We Are

What We Do

  • We aim to improve the quality of life through global exchange of best practices in social innovation created by professionals, academics, business and community leaders


  • We strive to create a world without borders for global citizens who share common values: honesty, compassion, acceptance, collaboration and positive peace, one square metre at the time


  • Through all our endeavours, we will display conviction behind our beliefs by lifting and inspiring others

Why We Do It

  • We celebrate global citizenship and human rights 


  • We believe in social innovation across sectors


  • We focus on opportunities through education, youth empowerment and global knowledge exchange


  • We believe that women can inspire change  


  • We advocate local to global approach to achieve world peace

Home: What We Do

Square Metre
for Peace

Winnipeg, Manitoba


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